Experimental extensions all together
Scratch Data Viewer and Scientific Modelling extensions
Data Viewer Extension
Scratch Data Viewer Extension (in Portuguese)
Scratch Data Viewer Extension 2018 version
Understanding basic concepts of Data Viewer Extension
ThingSpeak data sensors import
Do you want to try to remix this example using Scientific Modelling extension too?
Sample temperature data project
Sample earthquakes data project
Sample earthquakes map project - PT and commented
Sample earthquakes depth project - PT and commented
Examples 2022
Scientific Modelling Extension
Scratch Scientific Modelling Extension
Scratch Scientific Modelling Extension (in Portuguese)
Scratch Scientific Modelling Extension (in Italian)
Scratch Scientific Modelling Extension 2020 version
Do you want to try to remix this example using Data Viewer extension too?
Scientific Modelling Extension ALFA version (on hold)
Scratch Scientific Modelling Box2d
Download this diffusion model example for a proof of concept.
BBC micro:bit ScratchX extension
The Dataviewer Scratch extensions are develop by Cassia Fernandez and João Adriano Freitas.
If you are using this extension and you want to share your project or thoughts with us, please contact us
The Scientific Modelling Scratch extensions are develop by Cassia Fernandez, João Adriano Freitas and Tamar Fuhrmann.
The BBC micro:bit ScratchX extension is develop by João Adriano Freitas.
Scratch is a project of the Scratch Foundation, in collaboration with the LLK group at the MIT Media Lab, maintained by the Scratch Team. This page is not affiliated, endorsed nor maintained by any of those organizations.